Ongoing, Preventative Computer Maintenance Could Save You Thousands in Potential Lost Business

It's a sad fact that over 30%(i) of businesses that suffer major data loss could go bankrupt and that small businesses are even more vulnerable with 7 out of 10 being at risk.

What's worse is that in most cases this could easily have been prevented with a flexible, and affordable computer support contract in place.

For less than a cup of coffee a day, a typical small business (ii) could be provided with ultimate peace of mind, safeguarding system security, business levels, sales and profitability.


That's why at KTS Computers Ltd you'll never get a 'one size fits all' approach. Instead we'll only ever provide a completely tailored, flexible computer maintenance schedule that meets your needs exactly, ensuring you save time, money and a great deal of hassle.


To do this, we'll take the time to visit you and take a close look at how your business uses IT. We review how it's working currently and how it can be improved within at a number of key areas including:

How often the computers are unavailable (crashed or slow) and where we can improve system availability (uptime)
Operating speed
Looking for ways to help increase your daily productivity
System optimisation
Checking software & hardware settings.
Tight security
Are your computers secure and are you using the correct security software for your needs?
Fit for purpose
Do you have the right hardware and software for the job?
Where can improvements be made to help you work smarter
is your equipment cool & protected from power fluctuations?


From this visit, we'll then produce a report along with our recommendations, ensuring that you only pay for the maintenance you need, and nothing more!

What's more, you'll find we're so committed to 'going the extra mile' to deliver exceptional customer care, that many areas of our service others would normally charge for, we include as standard.

So, if you want to safeguard the fast, efficient operation of your computers, at a price you can afford, contact KTS Computers Ltd today and ask about our personalised computer maintenance agreements which includes:

Call us today on 01480 469019 to discuss your requirements or alternatively send us your enquiry by email and we'll be in touch as soon as possible.

You may also like to explore our website some more to find out about the other services we can offer you such as Microsoft software support, Security Software, server build and support, and much more.

(i) Source Datamonitor and Verio

(ii) Based on a hardware service agreement with 5 computers, a printer and a main server equates to less than £1.00 per device per day